




My site's SMTP had been exploited by spammers. Since then, all mail to GMail addresses is being bounced with the following message:

550-5.7.1 Our system has detected an unusual rate of 
550-5.7.1 unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our 
550-5.7.1 users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has been blocked. 
550-5.7.1 Please visit http://www.google.com/mail/help/bulk_mail.html to review 
550 5.7.1 our Bulk Email Senders Guidelines.

The situation with spammers has been resolved about three months ago, but the IP is still blocked and I have to resort to an external SMTP.

Could anyone give me an estimate (or evidence) on how long does it take for GMail to unblock such an IP? And should I do something else about it?