Hi All
I'm using jQuery Validation plugin to validate a form. Do you know how to force revalidation on previously successful fields?
I have tried the .form function using the following check (this is performed after the user clicks 'submit'):
if ($('#form1').validate().form()==false)
formValid = false;
However, it appears that the code above does not retry validation so fields that are already successfully validated (ie have tick next to them) are not checked again.
The reason for wanting to retry revalidation on previously successful fields is that they rely on remote validation, and the outcome (success or failure) can change between the user leaving the field, and clicking submit. (This applies to a 'username' field).
In case it affects the answer I have multiple forms to validate (for simplicity, in the code snippet above I refer to '#form1' only).
Thanks in advance for any advice,