



Hello, here is my partial for writing a comment:

<div class="commentBox">
    <%=form_for [commentable,], :remote => true do |f|%>
        <%=f.text_area :content, :placeholder=>"Write a comment...", :title=>"Write a comment..." %>
        <%=f.hidden_field :parent_id%>
        <br />
        <%=f.submit "Add comment"%>

The issue with this is that the page is loading which the following:

....<textarea title="Write a comment..." rows="20" placeholder="Write a comment..." name="comment[content]" id="comment_content" cols="40"></textarea>

The problem with this is that my page can have several items on it that are commentable. So having a TEXTAREA with ID doesn't work...

What I'd like is for the textarea to have a class of comment_content, and then in the form I can add a hidden field with the recordID where the comment can live and then in the controller use that ID to insert into the DB. Does this sound like the right idea?


+2  A: 

You can always override default attributes such as id.

<%=f.text_area :content, :id => "text-1" %>
<%=f.text_area :content, :id => "text-2" %>
Nando Vieira
Based on the use case above. Do you think that's the way to go?
@TheApprentice: Absolutely if you want to uniquely identify them.
Ryan Bigg