I'm not sure if I understood your question - are you asking to run the rake task remotely or how to import images?
In the later case there is an answer.
First you need some Model to keep the images and maybe some other data, something like this:
class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :image, :styles => {
:thumb => "100x100>",
:big => "500x500>"
You can create simple rake task in your lib/tasks folder (you should name the file with .rake extension)
namespace :import do
desc "import all images from SOURCE_DIR folder"
task :images => :environment do
# get all images from given folder
Dir.glob(File.join(ENV["SOURCE_DIR"], "*")) do |file_path|
# create new model for every picture found and save it to db
open(file_path) do |f|
pict = Picture.new(:name => File.basename(file_path),
:image => f)
# a side affect of saving is that paperclip transformation will
# happen
# Move processed image somewhere else or just remove it. It is
# necessary as there is a risk of "double import"
#FileUtils.mv(file_path, "....")
Then you can call manually rake task from the console providing SOURCE_DIR parameter that will be the folder on the server (it can be real folder or mounted remote)
rake import:images SOURCE_DIR=~/my_images/to/be/imported
If you are planning to run this automatically I'd recommend you to go for Resque Scheduler gem.
Update: To keep things simple I've deliberately omitted exception handling