Sounds like you need a pretty standard Visitor pattern.
To put it simple, suppose, that all your properties are stored as key-value pairs in maps. And you have 3 classes in your hierarchy: A, B, C. They all implement some common interface CI.
Then you need to create a property holder like this:
public class PropertyHolder {
public Map<String, String> getCommonProperties () { ... }
public Map<String, String> getSpecialPropertiesFor (CI a) { return EMPTY_MAP; }
public Map<String, String> getSpecialPropertiesFor (A a) { ... }
public Map<String, String> getSpecialPropertiesFor (B b) { ... }
All your classes should implement 1 method getSpecialProperties
which is declared in the interface CI. The implementation as simple as:
public Map<String, String> getSpecialProperties (PropertyHolder holder) {
return holder.getSpecialPropertiesFor (this);