



Hi all,

Hoping any Silverlight 4/RIA Services application developers might have seen the behavior I'm seeing and even better yet, have a solution.

I have developed a new Silverlight 4 line of business application using the Silverlight Business Project template. The SL app is deployed inside our intranet environment at work and I've configured our IIS virtual directory to use Windows Authentication.

Inside of the web.config file deployed to that virtual directory, I have the following authentication settings:

<roleManager enabled="false" />
<identity impersonate="true" />
<authentication mode="Windows">
  <forms name="name omitted..." />
<profile enabled="false">
    <add name="FriendlyName" />

Inside the constructor of the default App.xaml.cs codebehind file, Windows authentication is configured for authentication:

public App() { InitializeComponent();

   // Create a WebContext and add it to the ApplicationLifetimeObjects
   // collection.  This will then be available as WebContext.Current.
   WebContext webContext = new WebContext();
   webContext.Authentication = new WindowsAuthentication(); // force Windows auth here


The issue is this....for one and ONLY one of my business customers (at least so far), when she visits my SL application from her computer, her Windows login id fails to appear in the label control that is supposed to display the currently logged in user visiting my application.

But if she logs into another guest computer under her windows login, the SL app is successfully able to grab her windows identity information and display it in that label control to represent the currently logged in user.

Since the issue only seems to happen on her own machine and nowhere else, it leads me to believe there is some weird browser setting or something related to that, which is causing this issue.

I'm hoping someone else has also seen this behavior and found a remedy for it.

thanks in advance for your help, cheers, John