I'm trying to create a recursive function in coldfusion and am coming across some issues.
Here is the logic I have:
<cffunction name="getEvents" access="private">
<cfargument name="strtdate">
<cfargument name="parentID" default=0>
<cfqeury name="qry" datasource="db">
select *
from table
where parentid = #parentid# and
starttime between #strtdate# and #DateAdd('d', 1, strtdate)#
<cfset events = arraynew(1)>
<cfloop query="qry">
<cfset events[qry.currentrow] = structnew()>
<cfset events[qry.currentrow].id = qry.id>
<cfset subevents = getEvents(strtdate, qry.id)>
<cfif arraylen(subevents)>
<cfset events[qry.currentrow].subevents = subevents>
<cfreturn events>
The problem is that once the function calls itself once it looses the original query in the loop. I now the events are three level deep but I don't want to have to right up the same coded over and over to handle all the events.
I would like to end up with an array of structs that contains all the events and subevents for a given day.