In a project we have text files looking like this:
mv A, R3
mv R2, B
mv R1, R3
mv B, R4
add A, R1
add B, R1
add R1, R2
add R3, R3
add R21, X
add R12, Y
mv X, R2
I need to replace the strings according to the following, but I am looking for a more general solution.
R1 => R2
R2 => R3
R3 => R1
R12 => R21
R21 => R12
I know I could do it in Perl, the replace() function in the following code, but the real application is written in Java, so the solution needs to be in Java as well.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file);
my %map = (
R1 => 'R2',
R2 => 'R3',
R3 => 'R1',
R12 => 'R21',
R21 => 'R12',
replace(\%map, \@ARGV);
sub replace {
my ($map, $files) = @_;
# Create R12|R21|R1|R2|R3
# making sure R12 is before R1
my $regex = join "|",
sort { length($b) <=> length($a) }
keys %$map;
my $ts = time;
foreach my $file (@$files) {
my $data = read_file($file);
$data =~ s/\b($regex)\b/$map{$1}/g;
rename $file, "$file.$ts"; # backup with current timestamp
write_file( $file, $data);
Your help for the Java implementation would be appreciated.