For the last couple of days i tried to get my head around the following:
I have a 2-dimensional Array and i try to sort it with a custom algorithm using usort().
My Problem is, that I'm trying to sort numbers like in the order of 1 2 3 0 so the zero should always be the last item.
function customsort($e1, $e2) {
if ($e1["number"] == $e2["number"]) {
return $e1["year"] - $e2["year"];
} elseif ($e1["number"] == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return $e1["number"] - $e2["number"];
I thought this would do the trick but only a part of the entrys with a zero got sorted to the end of the list. I'm pretty shure, that the list is not corrupt and dumping the whole array shows me, that every used entry delivers a zero where it should be, but they are not sorted the right way.
Thanks in advance, Johnny