I am trying to develop a database model for a recruitment website and I have a lot of confusions.
- Job seeker can make 5 resumes online. In location field he can add 5 locations at most.
- Job seeker can fill up a form and jobs will be emailed according to the fields that he filled up. In this form he can select as many locations as he want.
- Job Poster can Posts job. And he can add as many locations as he want in job form.
I have created a location table with all the locations. Now I am confused how locations will be saved in resume, jobEmail and jobAd table?
I can think of two solutions.
- There will be a locations field in each table and all location IDs posted from forms will be saved in this field separated by commas. And later on I can use some mySql function to match these locations.
- Create another table for each table with columns say resumeId, locationId, and all locations will be saved as a separate record in this table.
Which of these solution is right? Or is there an other way for this kind of scenarios.