




We are using JEE5 with GlassFishV2.1 and MySQL 5.1 and this is related to OptimisticLockException that we get.

We have two database tables. First table is USER: having UserId and EmailId columns. Second table is SME_ACCOUNT with AdminId, SharedId, SpaceLeft and Version field which is managed by javax.persistence.Version (@version annotation).

SME_ACCOUNT has 2 foreign keys on AdminID and SharedID which refer to the UserId of the User table.

Now,we want to delete entry for a particular EmailId from SME_ACCOUNT. For this we have to first delete the users with Id = AdminID and Id=SharedId from the USER table.

Following is the code running in our Stateless Container Managed Bean:

void deleteUser() {

Query findByEmailID = em.createNamedQuery("Users.findByEmailID");
        findByEmailID.setParameter("emailID", emailID);
        // Find User from USER Table for a EmailID
        User user = (User) findByEmailID.getSingleResult();

        // Remove from SME Account
        SmeAccount smeAccount = em.find(SmeAccount.class, user.getId());

        // Find/Remove Shared Entry
        Query findById = em.createNamedQuery("Parenttable.findById");
        findById.setParameter("id", smeAccount.getSharedId().getId());

        User sharedUser =  (User) findById.getSingleResult();
        // Remove Admin Entry

This raises an OptimisticLOckException even when one transaction is running. I am unable to understand how do I make this work ...


hummm... i dont realy know, but I may suggest a few things:

User/SmeAccount has Cascade Operations (if they do, then they may alter each other in remove() )? Have you tried to remove user and sharedUser before SmeAccount?

Plínio Pantaleão

Yes, I have tried, but that results in ForeignKey Constraints Violations.

Please don't post comments or follow-up as answers (they aren't answers), edit the original question instead.
Pascal Thivent