Hello, all. I've got two domains set up under apache on a single server (Linux). I have an SSL certificate set up with a common name for the first domain (a.com), but not one for the second (b.com).
When I try to visit https: // www. b.com, it merely takes me to https: // www a.com but maintains the same URL. Because of this, I am getting a warning message in my browser: "This may not be the site you're looking for, yada yada yada."
Since b.com feeds out of a subdirectory of a.com, I'd like to point https: // www. b.com to https: // www a.com/b/
However, I'm not entirely sure how to accomplish this. What can I do to set this up? Leaving http: // www. b.com the way it is is fine--it's still showing the page I want from the /b/ directory, but https: // www. b.com shows the contents of https: // www.a .com.
Additionally, when this is set up to redirect, is there any way to change the URL in the browser to reflect the redirect? I don't want to have this warning message.