Hello, I have problem with my associations. I have n:n relation and everything going good but if i want initialize new object and then save it, it will by save with out associations. For example.
class User
has_many :users_in_organizations, :class_name => 'UserInOrganization'
has_many :organizations,:through => :users_in_organizations
#Attributes [:user_id, :organization_id, :user_role]
class UserInOrganization
set_table_name 'users_in_organizations'
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :organization
class Organization
has_many :users_in_organizations, :class_name => 'UserInOrganization'
has_many :users, :through => :users_in_organizations
this work fine but the problem is
org = User.first.organizations.new(:name => 'Test') # new || build is the same
org.save # => true
User.first.organizations # => []
Organization.all # => ['Test']
but if I use create then it works
org = User.first.organizations.create(:name => 'Test')
User.first.organizations # => ['Test']
Organization.all # => ['Test']
Can anybody tell me what i am doing wrong?
Thank You :)