



How can I design my view such that it "remembers" its route? So that "Back" on /team/1/members/1 links to /team/1/members and /members/1 links back to /members?

I have models of team and member. Teams have many members.

My routes allow me to view all member or members on a team.

  resources :teams do
    resources :members
  resources :members do
    resources :member_parts

I've currently tried to keep the route consistent. But doing so I seem to have to repeat myself a lot and add many bits of logic to the view. (this just seems wrong)

excerpt from app/views/members/show.html.erb

<%= link_to 'Edit', params[:team_id].nil? ? edit_member_path(@member) : edit_team_member_path(,@member) %> |
<%= link_to 'Back', params[:team_id].nil? ? members_path : team_members_path( %>
+2  A: 

A quick hack, not tested in Rails3, you may have to adapt it:

In application_controller.rb

before_filter :store_location

def store_location
  session[:return_to] = request.fullpath

def redirect_back_or_default(default=root_path, flash=nil)
  session[:return_to] ||= default
  redirect_to(session[:return_to], flash)
  session[:return_to] = nil

In your routes

match '/back' => 'application#redirect_back_or_default'

In your views

<%= link_to 'Back', '/back' %>

You can also use this redirect_back_or_default method in your actions…

This is interesting, but isn't quite the same thing. I should clarify the question a bit. My concern isn't so much with "back" or the history, as it is knowing whether or not the view is being rendered nested or directly.
It only works for one level "deep" back
+2  A: 

Updated Updated the code, the problem was that, the method couldn't recognized the path because I provided only an id instead of a class.

Use polymorphic paths.

The edit link:

Generate your path array

paths = []
paths << if params[:team_id]
paths << @member

paths2 = []
paths2 << if params[:team_id]
paths2 << :members

For more information please see the Rails api

Hope this will be a good start point.

I can't get this to work -- I'm guessing I'm doing it wrong.
What is the error?
for /teams/7/members/66 I get "undefined method `edit_7_member_path'"
updated the post, it was an error
thanks. I see. This isn't much different than me toggling between edit_member_path and edit_team_member_path based on the existence of :team_id. I think if I could get the plugin to work in Rails 3 the resource controller would do it. Right now I'm going to redsign the views that "back" will be replaced with "all members", and "all team members". This way there's no ambiguity to the link to begin with.
+1  A: 

You can take a look on urligecne in resource_controller plugin and on it's url helpers. It allows you to use object_path or collection_path and it returns path according to present url, so it just do what you want.

You can also add this dirty and ugly solution:

# application helper
def collection_path
  request.request_uri.gsub(/\/[\d]+[\/]*$/, "")

It should remove strings like "/2/" or "/14" or "/" from the end of your url. However I feel very week when it comes to use regexp, so be careful with this.

You can use this helper in view:

<%= link_to "Back", collection_path %>

Also to generate edit path, you can just add "edit" string at the end of current url. You can create edit_object_path helper for this:

def edit_object_path
  request.request_uri.chop('/') + "/edit"

But again it is quite dirty solution and you should be careful.

EDIT: As I look at @dombesz answer, it probably is what you are looking for!

This seems to be EXACTLY what I need. But I (or someone) needs to update it to fit Rails 3.