





I am having trouble understanding how to call a RESTful service

More specifically, I am trying to call the first API from hxxp://teambox.com/api/user


I don't know how to actually create the URL, how should I use ':id' ?

I tried:


but it doesn't work. Instead of 12345 I am using the integer id I receive from another call, so it's not because of the actual id.

I just don't know how to create the URL with ':id'

Thank you!

+3  A: 

How about http://teambox.com/api/1/users/123456?

Thank you. I don't understand what went wrong when I tried that, I must had tried that :0
I am also trying to call /api/1/projects/:project_id/conversations which is defined at the bottom of this page: hxxp://teambox.com/api/conversation However, I don't know how to pass the JSON in the GET request. Should I try with /api/1/projects/123456/conversations?type=[JSON] ?
I'm not sure, since I've never worked with "teambox.com" api, but I believe it should be ../api/1/projects/1234/conversations/?type=thread and ../api/1/projects/1234/conversations/?type=conversation
I tried that, doesn't work :( any other idea?
The id I am using is the one obtained from http://teambox.com/api/1/projects/ which returns in JSON "id":123456. It seems like I also can't get to work http://teambox.com/api/1/projects/123456 which is supposed to return details on a project

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