



Is there a changelog available for Android 2.2.1?


I haven't been able to find one anywhere, but I do know that it was released to block the exploit used by the one-touch root applications in the market.

Austyn Mahoney

I too couldn't find it. My exchange email application showed a update notification stating that remote wipe is now possible and an option to choose yes no

Why is Google against rooting android? Afterall it is supposed to be open to all!

They are not "against" rooting. They are against leaving gaping security holes in their OS, which happen to be used for rooting. It is more of a security issue than a control issue (they aren't Apple!).
Austyn Mahoney
There is a difference between rooting and leaving a security hole open which is already being exploited (although for non-malicious purposes)
+1  A: 

There doesn't seem to be an official changelog, but here's a pastebin of the git commit log for Android "base" between the last version of 2.2 and the first (currently only) version of 2.2.1:

I got this log by running the following command in my checkout of the android source

pretz@pretz-desktop:~/android-src/frameworks/base (froyo) $ git log

Update: You can also find the git commit log for Android Base on their gitweb instance. Everything that comes above the "android-2.2_r1.3" tag is new in 2.2.1

Alex Pretzlav