is there a simple way to encrypt/decrypt a string with a key.
somthing like:
key = '1234'
string = 'hello world'
encrypted_string = encrypt(key, string)
decrypt(key, encrypted_string)
i couldn't find anything simple to do that.
is there a simple way to encrypt/decrypt a string with a key.
somthing like:
key = '1234'
string = 'hello world'
encrypted_string = encrypt(key, string)
decrypt(key, encrypted_string)
i couldn't find anything simple to do that.
http://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/ should do what you want.
Taken from their docs page.
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import DES
>>> obj=DES.new('abcdefgh', DES.MODE_ECB)
>>> plain="Guido van Rossum is a space alien."
>>> len(plain)
>>> obj.encrypt(plain)
Traceback (innermost last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: Strings for DES must be a multiple of 8 in length
>>> ciph=obj.encrypt(plain+'XXXXXX')
>>> ciph
>>> obj.decrypt(ciph)
'Guido van Rossum is a space alien.XXXXXX'