I have a Python script which uses a glade file to define its UI, and has a lot of repetitive widgets, each one to adjust a different numerical attribute of a certain active object. Since it is repetitive, I decided to define all the handlers in a separate file for encapsulation and readability. Here are some code excerpts:
The main file:
import pygtk
import gtk, gobject, cairo, gtk.glade
from Handlers import Handlers
from FramesetParameters import FramesetParameters
from GeometricRules import GeometricRules
from BikeDrawing import BikeDrawing
p=FramesetParameters("fitting", "handling", "construction")
builder = gtk.Builder()
mainWindow = builder.get_object("mainWindow")
The Handlers.py file:
class Handlers:
def adjustbottomBracketHeight(widget):
obj.bottomBracketHeight = widget.get_value()
def adjustseatTubeAngle(widget):
obj.seatTubeAngle = widget.get_value()
def adjustseatTubeLength(widget):
obj.seatTubeLength = widget.get_value()
def adjusttopTubeLength(widget):
obj.topTubeLength = widget.get_value()
def adjustheadTubeAngle(widget):
obj.headTubeAngle = widget.get_value()
def adjustheadTubeTopHeight(widget):
obj.headTubeTopHeight = widget.get_value()
def adjustrearAxlePosition(widget):
obj.rearAxlePosition = widget.get_value()
def adjusttrail(widget):
obj.trail = widget.get_value()
def adjustseatTubeExtension(widget):
obj.seatTubeExtension = widget.get_value()
def adjustheadTubeUpperExtension(widget):
obj.headTubeUpperExtension = widget.get_value()
def adjustheadTubeLowerExtension(widget):
obj.headTubeLowerExtension = widget.get_value()
def adjustforkCrownBulk(widget):
obj.forkCrownBulk = widget.get_value()
When I run the program, the GUI shows up properly, but when I move a slider I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/helton/Dropbox/Profilez/00Computacional/00REFACTORY97/Handlers.py", line 6, in adjustseatTubeAngle
obj.seatTubeAngle = widget.get_value()
NameError: global name 'obj' is not defined
I know a little about namespaces and scope, but I am very noob on Python and Object orienting in general, so I do not know exactely what I should do. Any help would be much appreciated.