hi, i'm trying to get the type and the name of the result and when enter in the loop, excuting somo instructions about the metadata the resulset.next changed from true to false, and give the error java.sql.SqlExcepcion exhausted resultset. Any ideas? i really dont know how solved it because i read the post with the solution of this problem and validate if the resultset it's null before begin the loop. I'm called this method with a scheduler of quartz. I'm using this in a j2ee aplication and the example it's this
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
WrapperDataSource wrapperDataSource = (WrapperDataSource)ctx.lookup(systemLogger.getConfigurationParameters().getDataSource());
conn = wrapperDataSource.getConnection();
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,login,password);
if (conn != null)
stmt = conn.createStatement();
res = stmt.executeQuery(query);
if (res != null)
while (res.next())
for (int i = 0; i < columnlength; i++)
String columnName = metadata.getColumnName(i+1);
if (metadata.getColumnName(i+1).equalsIgnoreCase(systemLogger.getColumnStatus()))
columnStatusType = metadata.getColumnType(i+1);
else if (metadata.getColumnName(i+1).equalsIgnoreCase(systemLogger.getColumnDocumentId()))
columnDocumentIdType = metadata.getColumnType(i+1);
else if (metadata.getColumnName(i+1).equalsIgnoreCase(systemLogger.getColumnTimer()))
columnTimerType = metadata.getColumnType(i+1);
__log.error("No results found for the query");
throw new PtmServiceException("No se encontraron resultados para el query");
__log.error("Could not create the connection");
throw new PtmServiceException("No se pudo crear la conexion");
catch(Exception e)
__log.error("Error in the execution of the query");
throw new PtmServiceException("Error ejecutando la busqueda");