




Hi, i have an app which is loading upcoming dates (like Birthdays) from an sqlight_db an showing it on an listview. That works fine. What I now want is to inform the user regular by an Alarm or Toast or something without starting the application.The User has the only option when to inform: on the same day or 1 day before and the time! Has someone an idea how to realise this ? Maybe an Service or an Timer, or both ? I would be very pleased about some tips..


Take a look onto AlarmManager. Also note that the service doesn't persist alarms between sessions so you'll need to re-setup them after device boot. Another option may be using google calendar API to create birthday events, notification will be handled by google calendar app then.

Konstantin Burov
Hi, thanks for your quick answer, i think google calender API is the best one for me. Do you know a trick to work with google calendar on virtual SDK device...
I don't know :) Also that's another question. Ask it if you need.
Konstantin Burov