I'm thinking about trying MongoDB to use for storing our stats but have some general questions about whether I'm understanding it correctly before I actually start learning it.
I understand the concept of using documents, what I'm not too clear about is how much data can be stored inside each document. The following diagram explains the layout I'm thinking of:
Website (document)
- some keys/values about the particular document
- statistics (tree)
- millions of rows where each record is inserted from a pageview (key/value array containing data such as timestamp, ip, browser, etc)
What got me excited about mongodb was the grouping functions such as: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Aggregation
{ cond: {"invoked_at.d": {$gte: "2009-11", $lt: "2009-12"}}
, key: {http_action: true}
, initial: {count: 0, total_time:0}
, reduce: function(doc, out){ out.count++; out.total_time+=doc.response_time }
, finalize: function(out){ out.avg_time = out.total_time / out.count }
} );
But my main concern is how hard would that command for example be on the server if there is say 10's of millions of records across dozens of documents on a 512-1gb ram server on rackspace for example? Would it still run low load?
Is there any limit to the number of documents MongoDB can have (seperate databases)? Also, is there any limit to the number of records in a tree I explained above? Also, does that query I showed above run instantly or is it some sort of map/reduce query? Not very sure if I can execute that upon page load in our control panel to get those stats instantly.