



I'm about to finish with Head First Java book. Can you recommend me some other books I can keep studying with. Thinking in Java looks like still a bit complicated for me, might be there a kind of advanced level of head first Java or something?

+5  A: 
Suresh S
I'm not sure if I'd suggest the Concurrency in Practice at that level. Maybe buy it now, read the first half now and read the second half in a year or two. It is a great book, but not for beginners.
3. [ **Java** Concurrency in Practice]( by **Brian Goetz** et al. (True, Doug Lea is one of the authors.)
Péter Török
+1 for thinking in Java
-1 for Concurrency in Practice
@Stas care to elaborate that?
+1 for Effective Java
Jeroen Rosenberg
@seanizer : concurrency in practice isn't good book for this level, inho.
Yes, but a downvote for suggesting an excellent book even if it's too early is somewhat harsh imho
+1 I'm buying these for a new co-worker right now.
Erick Robertson
+7  A: 

Start practically implementing the things with this standard tutorial.
+1 That's the tutorial I used to learn Java; it's very good. (Ah, the memories...)
+1 Amen. The best way to learn.
Erick Robertson
+6  A: 

Effective Java is definitely the number 1 java book every java developer should read more than once.

That said: if you liked Head First Java, try Head First Design Patterns.

I had a coworker recommend Head First Design Patterns. The book drove me nuts. It was too pedantic and rote. Effective Java, however, is great.
Erick Robertson
So the result of recommending one book you call great and one you didn't like is a downvote? Jeez, I'd downvote most of this site if I were like that...
+1  A: 

Trying to program something or solving simple problems (logic and arithmetic) with Java will be better. Practice coding and also, look at different sources as well, especially Object Oriented codes.


Start implementing and read along during that. If you want to increase your Object Oriented thinking I can recommend Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code from Martin Fowler. It will help you to understand how you can use objects and design patterns to improve your code and make it much more readable.


You can try

Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes, The Java Programming Language, Fourth Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005, ISBN 0-321-34980-6
