How do i select many buttons at a time on a flowlayoutpanel c#
well actually im trying to implement this on a flowlayout panel and i wonder whether it's possible?
2010-09-30 02:35:02
It is possible, I just tested it (WinForms).
2010-09-30 02:44:41
but my program has this scenario which the buttons are not present right when you open it . well it has a tool which creates a button on runtime
2010-09-30 02:55:33
Well, you cannot select multiple buttons at runtime.
2010-09-30 03:28:51
okay anyway thanks a lot you answered my question
2010-09-30 04:01:53
If you're talking about during design-time, just hold Ctrl while clicking each button...or click and drag the mouse to select the buttons you're interested in.
If you're talking about can only click one button at a time.
Justin Niessner
2010-09-29 15:31:27
Assuming you're talking about the form designer:
- Draw a selection box around the controls you'd like to select
- Hold down ctrl + click or shift+click on the control you'd like to select in addition to your current control.
- To select all contorls you can use Ctrl + A and then then you can subtract from your selecting using ctrl + click or shift + click
Surprisingly there is an MSDN page which describes the process.
Brian R. Bondy
2010-09-29 15:33:06