I am trying to setup searchlogic on nested resources. I have Category has_many :products also Category has_many :brands through :products
So structurally its Category/Brand/Product
As a user navigates the site they click a category, which uses the Category#show action.
def show
@category = Category.find_by_url_name(params[:id])
@brands = @category.brands
@categories = Category.find(:all)
@meta_title = "#{@category.name}"
respond_to do |format|
format.html do |wants|
@brand = @brands.first
@products = @category.products.paginate(:conditions => {:brand_id => @brand}, :page => params[:page])
render :template => 'brands/show'
format.xml { render :xml => @category }
So it renders the list of available brands for that Category, and also display the products in the first listed brand.
If the user then clicks a different brand from the list, the user is taken to the Brand#show action.
def show
@category = Category.find_by_url_name(params[:category_id])
@brand = Brand.find(params[:id])
@search = Product.search(params[:search])
@products = @search.paginate(:conditions => {:brand_id => @brand, :category_id => @category}, :page => params[:page])
@meta_title = "#{@brand.name}"
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @brand }
I have started implementing Searchlogic, gem installed, and some code in place. But when it searches it removes the category from the url http://localhost:3000/brands/14?search[order]=ascend_by_price While its not a major problem if it worked, it doesn't. I have breadcrumbs that need to have access to the relevant category and brand info...
So at the end of the day I am trying to learn how to implement Searchlogic on nested resources. Can anyone guide me along in that journey?