




hello everyone, let's assume I have some Makefile for Unix

prog:a.o b.o c.o
    gcc a.o b.o c.o -o prog
a.o:a.c a.h b.h
    gcc -c a.c
b.o:b.c b.h
    gcc -c b.c
c.o:c.c c.h b.h
    gcc -c c.c

I read that if I change *.c file I must recompile only this file, but if I change *.h file I must recompile all files which are depending on my *.h file, after both cases anyway I must link all files from the beginning

1)let's assume that I change only b.h, so what do I need to do? my variant is make a.o b.o c.o am I right?

2)let's assume that I change only c.c, so what do I need to do? my variant is make c.o am I right?

and finally if I write make c.o for example my makefile ONLY recompile c.o but what about linker? I have only gcc -c c.c and not -o

thanks in advance for any help

+2  A: 

What exactly do you mean 'what do I need to do?'. In every case, just run make prog, and let make figure it out, that's the whole point.

EDIT: If you're curious what make will do in each case, assuming you're running make prog every time, read on:

In case 1) b.h has changed, so anything depending on it (a.o, b.o and c.o) will be rebuilt, and prog will be relinked.

In case 2) c.o is only a direct dependency of c.c, so only c.o is built and prog relinked.

BTW, gcc can give you it's take on your dependencies by just running gcc -MM *.c in your project directory.

On a side note, if you're using gnu make, you can actually remove every line in your makefile starting with `gcc`. The default rules (http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Catalogue-of-Rules.html#Catalogue-of-Rules) for make can figure out what you need for most simple cases.
+1  A: 

In all cases, you just do

make prog

or just


The idea of having the Makefile is that make can examine the dependencies, find out what's out of date, and do just the required recompilation (and no more).

If you change a .c file, obviously it's going to recompile that .c file, and because this updates a .o file on which prog depends, it will also relink prog.

If you change a .h file, this will trigger the recompilation of one or more .c files, which again will also cause prog to be relinked.

Richard Fearn