Hello, i am facing problems with my form, i wrote a app in Python3.1 and when i make a GET or a POST via AJAX works pefectly but when i' ve try to do the same thing with the form-way the environ['wsgi.input'] give me this:
in the first time i think this was because the file what i was try to upload but after i eliminate the file element and give me the same thing what means this i let you the code of the form:
<iframe id="hidden-frm" name="hidden-frm" style="display: none;">
<form ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="Gate.py?bt=upload" method="POST" name="input" target="hidden-frm">
<input id="testtxt" type="text"/>
<input type="submit" value="Presiona aqui!"/>
Thanks in advance.