For a VB.Net application needing to output the data to clipboard, with formatting, I am in need of some help. For now, I am exporting data from the clipboard using
MainView.ClipboardCopyMode = Windows.Forms.DataGridViewClipboardCopyMode.EnableAlwaysIncludeHeaderText
Now I need to extend this with the formatting / style from the DataGridView. I have read several ExcelExporters, all writing to an Excel file directly, but I need to write to the Clipboard.
The DataGridView exposes nothing other than the DataGridView.GetClipBoardContent() which just gives the raw data. I need to get some XML/HTML/RTF object. I have tried the following:
Dim test As New DataObject
test.SetData(DataFormats.EnhancedMetafile , True, DataGridView1.GetClipboardContent)
This does not work as of yet. Any tips to easily convert an unbound DataGridView to XML/HTML/RTF/Enhanced Metafile?