I'm trying to get a dynamic movie clip from the timeline.
I have a timeline of unknown length with a movie clip with instance name "blah" on one of the key frames (assumed 88 in this case).
No matter what I do, I cannot get a reference to the said movie clip.
Here's what I tried:
trace(blah); // null
trace(this.blah); // null
trace(getChildByName("blah")); // null
if(currentFrame == 88)
trace(getChildByName("blah")); // null
for(var i:int=0; i<numChildren; ++i)
/* Returns:
* [object MovieClip]
* [object Shape]
* null
* [object TextField]
// Assuming the first movie clip is the correct one
trace(getChildAt(0).name); // instance?? where ?? are random digits, I'm expecting "blah"
Can someone please shed light on how to import timeline generated objects through code?