It is an common mistake related to prototype scoped beans.
A new instance of the prototype scoped bean will be created only when we request a copy of the bean from the application context, not every time we call a method on the instance.
In your case you are injecting the prototype scoped bean to another bean using the setter of the later, so then the second class is created a new instance of the prototype scoped bean will be created. But it will use the same instance as long as it is replace by another instace mannualy by you.
If you want a new instance of the prototype scoped bean during a particular operation like a method call, you have to get a new instance of the bean from the application content.
<bean name="prototypeScope" Class="A" scope="prototype">
<bean Class="Consumer">
Java code:
public class Consumer implements ApplicationContextAware{
privare ApplicationContext context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context){
this.context = context;
public void consume(){
A a = context.getBean("prototypeScope", A.class);
In this example when ever the consume method is called a new instance of class A is created.