




When handling Control.OnKeyPress event, there is a KeyPressEventArgs that contains a KeyChar.

For usability reasons I need exactly the same KeyChar but when handling OnKeyDown event.

The KeyEventArgs does not contains any char related data. I mean, if press the A key with or without Shift its not affecting the KeyCode, KeyData or KeyValue. The same when using another language, i still getting capital english values.

How to get a KeyPressEventArgs.KeyChar inside KeyDown event?



I think that what you are looking for is in fact the KeyCode property.

private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
    // Determine whether the key entered is the F1 key. If it is, display Help.
    if(e.KeyCode == Keys.A)
        // Do something kewl
    else if(e.KeyCode == Keys.B)
        // Do something even kewler

If you are just looking for certain keys you could setup a switch statment or whatever your heart desires.

+1  A: 

Convert it. Here is simple function for converting 'A' to 'a'. It converts only capital chars from [A-Z] set. The value 32 is diff between 'A' and 'a'.. Sure you can extend it to your requirements, or ask for feature here.

char getChar( KeyEventArgs e )
 int keyValue = e.KeyValue;
 if ( !e.Shift && keyValue >= (int) Keys.A && keyValue <= (int) Keys.Z )
  return (char)(keyValue + 32);
 return (char) keyValue;

if you need it to works with your current culture you should override ProcessKeyMessage Control method:

protected override bool ProcessKeyMessage( ref Message m )
 if ( ( m.Msg == 0x102 ) || ( m.Msg == 0x106 ) ) // this is special - don't remove
  char c = (char) m.WParam; // here is your char for OnKeyDown event ;)
 return base.ProcessKeyMessage( ref m );

Hope it helpful.

And how i considering the active language? for example, if the active language is russian, i want to get russian chars.
You should override ProcessKeyMessage Control method like described in my post.
the second code is enough, it catches the shfit as well.

If the reason you're wanting to use KeyDown instead of KeyPress is to capture the extra information that's given to a KeyDown event, could you perhaps capture that extra information in a KeyDown event and then use it when you get the KeyPress? Rather a hokey approach, to be sure, but I'm not sure of any other approach that will really work in a keyboard mapping that has "dead keys" (i.e. two-key sequences that produce a single character). I don't know why Microsoft didn't carry along more information through to the KeyPress event (or a lot of its events, for that matter) since trying to match up cause-and-effect events isn't perfect, but I don't really know any better alternative.

The reason I want use `KeyDown` instead of `KeyPress` is to reduce the time between user pressing a key until the response of my program. `KeyPress` firing only after the user left the key, and this adds extra unnecessary time until my program responding.