



+1  Q: 

PHP reference book

I'm looking for a reference book on PHP. By reference book, I mean a book with a superb index, which allows one to quickly find succinct, clear info on a large number of functions / features.

I know that all this info is available on the net, but I find I often can browse through a book faster than find the right resource on the net. Plus, I often find the PHP Manual site not super clear.

I want a bound and printed resource (aka, a book) please, not a website. Preferably no more than 500 p., but this is a nice-to-have, as I'm most likely to keep it by my desk and not carry it with me very often.

I am specifically not looking for a book on best programming practice.

Here are the (otherwise perfectly good) books I have which do not answer this need:
- "Learning PHP, MySQL & Javascript" (O'reilly - Robin Nixon)
- "PHP in action" (Manning - Reiersol, Baker, Shiflett)

Many thanks,


+2  A: 

Closest thing I know of is the PHP Pocket Reference from O'Reilly, but it was last updated in 2002. Honestly, because PHP (and most modern languages, really) iterate so often, a printed reference really isn't ideal.

If you really wanted to, you could grab a version of the online manual to print for yourself on the PHP Web site.

Ryan Chouinard
Yeah, printing the online manual is the ideal reference... if you enjoy wasting time searching in a document without page numbers or an index ;-) (as opposed to the actual online reference where you only have to type the function name to find what you are looking for)
Thank you, I guess what I want doesn't exist....
+1  A: 

Try PHP: The Complete Reference by Steven Holzner. It says it covers PHP 5.2, so it's slightly behind, but not as bad as a book last updated in 2002. It's just over 500 pages but it should cover everything you need along with commentary and examples.

+2  A: 

There are some really good book out there for example: Programming PHP, PHP Pocket Reference and PHP Functions Essential Reference. Unfortunately they are all dated (2001, 2002).

The only two books that are PHP 5 books that are not older than 3 years are the massive PHP: The complete Reference form 2007 and the self-published Lulu PHP Reference: Beginner to Intermediate:

To be honest: nothing beats the online documentation as a reference guide. You can download it here.

+1  A: 

I'm learning and have gotten to a point where I don't need my hand held each step of the way. I can strongly recommend PHP and MySQL Bible. It came out last year.