I have done the authorisation step of LinkedIn-iphone API, and the app comes to the screenshot:
But the 'close' button does not respond, and no where to use the authorised PIN.
Because it is not finally authorised, the methods like
- (void)linkedInEngine:(RDLinkedInEngine *)engine requestSucceeded:(RDLinkedInConnectionID *)identifier withResults:(id)results {
NSLog(@"++ LinkedIn engine reports success for connection %@\n%@", identifier, results);
- (void)linkedInAuthorizationControllerSucceeded:(RDLinkedInAuthorizationController *)controller {
NSLog(@"Authentication succeeded.");
NSLog(@"Fetching current user's profile on connection %@", [controller.engine profileForCurrentUser]);
[rdEngine updateStatus:@"when can you update me??"];
do not run.
So the LinkedIn API is stuck there.
Anyone find the problem and solution please?