I have a bitmap rpeviously loaded and added as child to a movielip mc then i want to load another image later and remove thatchild and replace with the new one.. for some reason my code doesnt work..i dont know what im doing wrong
i add a listener to a thumbnail called openBigImage
so basically the new file path and filename should replace the previous image
is a movieclip that contains varius image previously delared as img0, img1
contain the images filenames as string
my question is: should img.addChildAt(bitmapContent,0); works as a swapper function? i can remove the img child but i cant replace it...
function openBigImage(e)
var e = e.target;
var i = e.parent.name1;
var z = e.parent.name2;
var tu = theThumbs[i][z];
var img = imgLoader.getChildByName("img" + i);
var newimg:Loader = new Loader();
var fileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(tu);
newimg.name = i;
newimg.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadCompleted2);
function onLoadCompleted2(e:Event):void {
var bitmapContent:Bitmap = Bitmap( e.target.content );
bitmapContent.smoothing = true;
var i = e.target.loader.name;
var img = imgLoader.getChildByName("img" + i);
trace("img" + i)