I have a number of websites that are rendering invalid characters. The pages' meta tags specify UTF-8 encoding. However, a number of pages contain characters that can't be interpreted by UTF-8, probably because the files were saved with another encoding (such as ANSI). The one in particular I'm concerned about right now is a fancy apostrophe (as in "Bob’s"...sorry if that doesn't show up correctly). W3's validator indicates the entity is "\x92", but it won't validate the file because it doesn't map to unicode. And, of course, if I open the file in Notepad++ and change the encoding to UTF-8, the character is replaced by a 92 in a black box.
Here's my question: what's the easiest way to fix this? Do I have to open all the pages and replace that character with a conventional apostrophe? Or is there a quick fix I could add (say, to IIS) that might override or fix the encoding issue? Or do I have to brute-force find/replace? I have hundreds of pages on these websites and I have no idea how many of them I'd have to change, so if anyone knows a way I could either circumvent this problem or fix it quickly I would appreciate it.