I have a strange one here..
I create a recordset using Classic ASP
Set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.ActiveConnection = g_conn
rs.CursorLocation=3 ' adUseClient
rs.LockType= 3 ' adLockBatchOptimistic
on error resume next
rs.Open strQuery
rs.activeConnection = nothing
on error goto 0
All works good, recordset is created as expected. I now want to update the text only fields in the recordset with a new value...
do while not rs.eof
for each fld in rs.fields
if ( instr(",129,130,201,202,203,",","+cStr(rtrim(fld.type))+",")>0) then
theStr = g_VBPM.PMDecode(rs(fld.name))
'rs(fld.name).value= ucase(rs(fld.name)) ' works
rs(fld.name).value= trim(theStr) ' does not work
end if
When I replace the field value with the uppercase text of the string, it works. The recordset reflects uppercase versions of the field content. However, when I replace it with the string I returned from my C# DLL, no error message is returned, but the field value in the recordset is not changed. The return value from the C# code contains the right thing, and I can see it if I do response.write. However, when I attempt to put that string into the disconnected record set, it doesn't work.. No error at all
Anyone ever see this type of behavior? Any ideas? The C# code does work, I use it and other places in the application.