Hey guys,
I don't know if this is the right area, but here goes:
I have a RewriteRule
RewriteRule ^(eScience/)?(\w+)/RENDER/(\d+)/(\d+)/P(\d+)\.html$ /RENDER/escience/kids/1016/2063/test.html [L,NC]
that works fine because I've hardcoded the IDs in. Now when I do something like
RewriteRule ^(eScience/)?(\w+)/RENDER/(\d+)/(\d+)/P(\d+)\.html$ /RENDER/escience/kids/$2/2063/test.html [L,NC]
The rewrite doesn't work, I get page not found. The really odd part is that $4 works, so if I do something like
RewriteRule ^(eScience/)?(\w+)/RENDER/(\d+)/(\d+)/P(\d+)\.html$ /RENDER/escience/kids/1016/$4/test.html [L,NC]
it works, but anything 3 and under doesn't work. Any ideas? The URL that I am using is http://www.escience.ca/kids/RENDER/1016/2063/P2063.html
As you can see, $3 and $4 are the exact same IDs, so that's why my third example works.