



Thanks to the invaluable assistance of several Stack Overflow participants, I'm very close to the desired results ... here's a recap and update, for interested parties:

I have a series of product modules, each of which contains (among other things) the product's name and a 'compare' checkbox. My objective is to generate a list of selected products in another area of the page when the checkboxes are checked. As there must be a function to check for a minimum of two, and some arbitrary maximum - either as part of the checkbox .click function (per Brian's version, thanks again for your invaluable help), or on the submit (which I'm leaning towards). In either case, the number of items in the list is apparently being mis-counted; w/zero or one checkbox checked, I correctly get an alert of insufficient items; however, if I uncheck and recheck a few times, my code is reporting the incorrect number of items in the list.

In the interest of brevity (!), I'll forego posting both versions, since I'm experiencing similar oddity in both. Here's my latest cobbling - many thanks in advance for any insight.

<div class="product-module">

<div class="product-pic">
    <div class="checkbox-wrapper">
        <label for="compare1">
            <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="compare" id="compare1" />

<div class="product-info">
        <a href="#" title="#"><span class="product-name">Product Name here</span></a><br />

<div class="compare">
<p class="error" style="display: none;">ACK! You've selected more than 4 products to compare.</p>
<p class="compare-button"><button type="submit">Compare</button></p>
<p class="clear-selections"><a class="button" id="clear-selections" href="#">Clear Selections</a></p>

<script type="text/javascript">

    $('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', false);

        var title = $(this).closest('.product-module').find('.product-name').html();

        // as user checks the checkbox, add the item to the ul

        var html = '<li><a href="'+title+'">' + title + '</a></li>';

        $('.compare ul').append(html);
        } else {     
        // if user is un-checking the checkbox, remove the item from the ul
        // orig: $('li[title="' + title + '"]').remove();
        $('li a[href="' + title + '"]').remove();

        $('.compare ul').empty();
        $('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', false);

    $('.compare button').click(function(){
        minRequests = 2;
        maxRequests = 4;
        requested = $('.compare ul li').size();    // go figure: why not .length()?

        if(requested < 2)    {
        alert ('Compare ' + requested + ' products?');

        } else if((requested >= 2) && (requested <= 5 ))    {
        alert ('There are ' + requested + ' products to compare');

        } else {
        alert (requested + ' is too many');


I'm guessing your code is cloning the .product-name clone and cloning it again. Try using a more specific path to target the element your cloning, instead of the find method.

Hannes Nel
+1  A: 

Here's the approach I take: I didn't use clone because the node you want to paste is a span and you want to clone it into an li. Not sure clone will automatically adjust the node as desired.

Brian Flanagan
Thanks Brian! This version looks very much how I thought it could. I haven't got it working yet, not sure why, I'm gonna have to play with it
Hello again and thanks again, I do have a very slightly modified version of your solution working. The product names will be drawn from a db so until I have from my client the precise format of that content, I won't trouble anyone with how to mod the html ;) ... my next question is how to limit the number of list items, and alert the user (e.g., unhide an error) when they try to select more than the max allowed. Perhaps I should add a fresh question, so I can show the jQuery so far
No worries. I updated a fork with an alert box. All I'm doing is setting a max amount and checking before I add a new li against the current count of li's
Brian Flanagan