




Dear Expert i have the following problem when i try to get the value from the record set it showing error the query is

SSql = "select doj,dol,employeeid from m_employee where employeeid='" & Trim(RsCardNo!Code) & "'" rsCardRepl.Open SSql, Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If rsCardRepl.RecordCount > 0 Then Dim temp As Integer temp = Trim(rsCardRepl!employeeId) rsAddPunch!PAYCODE = temp End If

Then the following line giving the error

temp = Trim(rsCardRepl!employeeId)

The error Number=6 Error Description =Overflow

Would please explain me why this error is coming and what is the solution

Thanks Naval Kishor Pandey


Perhaps you need to define temp like this Dim temp As Long

In simple terms, an overflow error means that the value won't fit into the variable.

  • A VB6 Integer can take values from -32,768 to 32,767
  • A Long can take values from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
when i had seen the value in the record set through debugging is 000849 and the data type of the column employeeid is int so their is no means of overflow.
I would also try removing the Trim. Change `temp = Trim(rsCardRepl!employeeId)` into `temp = rsCardRepl!employeeId` That Trim is forcing the employeeID to be converted into a String and then back to an Integer
Hi markj i had also try with dim temp as string and then temp = Trim(rsCardRepl!employeeId) but still i am geting the same error.
+2  A: 

try with cursor type adOpenForwardOnly and lock type adLockReadOnly
