I need help creating a VBA macro that downloads closing price data directly from Yahoo Finance's Historic Quotes website and imports the data into an Excel spreadsheet column.
Background information: This is the link to Yahoo Finance's Historical Quote database -
To download as a TXT file: http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.txt?s="StockTicker"&d="EndingMonth"&e="EndingDay"&f="EndingYear"&g=d&a="EndingMonth"&b="EndingDay"&c="EndingYear"&ignore=.txt
Formatting Issue: By default, i.e. using Excel's Web Data Import Wizard, Excel imports the entire table which includes more columns than needed. I am trying to isolate the "close" column. I created a macro that formats the table to isolate the "close" column, but this macro requires me to manually download the data from Yahoo Finance as a txt file:
Sub Test_DownloadTextFile()
Dim text As String
'The variables for this URL (in light blue) should be retrieved from the spreadsheet, i.e. "StockTicker" will reference a cell with the ticker symbol "AAPL" in it and that will appear in the URL'
text = DownloadTextFile("http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.txt?s="StockTicker"&d="EndingMonth"&e="EndingDay"&f="EndingYear"&g=d&a="EndingMonth"&b="EndingDay"&c="EndingYear"&ignore=.txt")
'At this point I should have the historical quotes table stored in the variable text. How do I select the 4th column and import it into a specific spreadsheet column?'
Debug.Print text
End Sub
How can I create a macro that: 1. Refers to the spreadsheet for key variables, e.g. "StockTicker", "EndingMonth", etc.. 2. Downloads the corresponding historic data from Yahoo Finance 3. Imports the data closing price data as a single column into the spreadsheet
I would very much appreciate a practical solution to this problem. Let me know if I need clarify my question or the task at hand. Thank you!