Hello everyone,
My program will show data based on selection from two spinners (month and year). Based on month and year, it will query DB and displays the content in listview.
I created two spinners and populate with array string. Then I created two spinner views, two arrayadapters and set onItemSelected listeners and set adapter to the views. Then I use cursor to get query from DB, then put the result into simple cursor adapter and put them into list adapter. Finally I use list view to add this listadapter. Result shows properly. It is OK when the queries is not too much. But when there are lots of queries, it is difficult to see. So I want to implement paging for my program. For example: I get 100 queries, and I want to show them like 10 or 20 queries per page. I can control how many records per page via another spinner.
But the main problem is that I don't know how to get subset data or subview from return queries (listview).
Are there any methods in listadapter or android can do that ? I'm still new in android. I also read some documents about getView(), I don't understand and not sure whether it can help on my purpose.
Thanks for advise or suggestion !!