There is a nice feature in Visual Studio: you can create special code areas which can be minimized just as class methods in Eclipse are minimized. Like:
//some code
Is there a way do make such pleasant feature in Eclipse?
There is a nice feature in Visual Studio: you can create special code areas which can be minimized just as class methods in Eclipse are minimized. Like:
//some code
Is there a way do make such pleasant feature in Eclipse?
If you mean by minimizing folding, then I don't think Eclipse has the folding option you want. When I look at the eclipse folding options it tells me that it can fold
If you don't mean folding, then I'm sorry for the confusion.
The term you're looking for is code-folding. A cursory Web search turns up the Coffee-Bytes plug-in to add folding support beyond the built-in options. Reviews are mixed.
Heres how I do it:
Blank b = new Blank() { public void myCode() { /Insert code here/ } }; b.myCode();