



Does anybody know how could I get severals JSon files by executing just once exiftool.
I could generate one JSon file from my directory, with all metadatas from files inside this folder, but I want to get one for each file. I want also to put all the files generated in a especific folder. If I tried also to make a loop inside my folder, and call exiftool once for each file inside, but it is not right solution, because I have one process for each file.

I have checked all exiftool documentation, but wasn't able to find the correct combination of parameters.
Any help? Thanks in advance

+1  A: 

This is exactly the purpose of the exiftool -w option.

"exiftool -w json ..." will generate ".json" files, one for each input file.


To redirect theese separated JSon files, I used this command:

exiftool -a -u -g1 -j -k -r -w OUTDIR/%f.json INPUTDIR

Not -o option, because it is the output directory when WRITING the image.
Hope this will help.

mujer esponja