I am working on redoing our company's code, and I want to have a clear, easy to read, and reasonably secure application.cfm.
And no, we are not using application.cfc. So let's not discuss that please.
Just want to know what scripts you would add for security.
I am using coldfusion 8 standard, sql 2008.
Here is one of the scripts I am currently using, but I want to hear from some other coldfusion programmers.
<cfset temp = cleanScopes('form,url') />
<!--- another method to clean url/form data from http://www.garyrgilbert.com/tools/coldfusion/cleanScopes.cfm.txt --->
<cffunction name="cleanScopes" access="public" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="scopesToClean" type="string" required="yes">
<cfargument name="charlist" type="string" required="no" default="">
reTags ="<[^/>]*>|</.*>";
<cfloop list="#scopestoClean#" index="scopeName">
<cfif not findnocase("multipart/form-data",cgi.CONTENT_TYPE)>
for(field in s)
if (isSimpleValue(s[field])){
if(reTags neq '')
do { prev=s[field];
} while (prev NEQ s[field]);
if (charlist neq '')
s[field] = replacelist(s[field],charlist,'');
Thank you for your time.