




I came across God which seems good but I am wondering if anyone knows of other process monitoring and control frameworks that I can compare god with. God has the following features:

  1. Config file is written in Ruby
  2. Easily write your own custom conditions in Ruby
  3. Supports both poll and event based conditions
  4. Different poll conditions can have different intervals
  5. Integrated notification system (write your own too!)
  6. Easily control non-daemonizing scripts

The last one is what i am having difficulty with.

+2  A: 

I am a big fan of Monit. It's written in C, but does everything you want.

I particularly liked that I was able to compile a thin version that worked beautifully on an ARM based system with only 64 MB of RAM.

You might want to read God vs Monit on SO to get a comparison.


Bluepill is a great process monitoring/administration framework.

  • It's written in Ruby but it can monitor anything, I use it to monitor Unicorn processes.
  • It even runs on 1.9.2.
  • Doesn't leak memory.
  • Has support for demonizing processes that don't demonize themselves.
  • All around easy, even with RVM!
+1  A: 

Have a look at Ubic (CPAN page here but do read installation details on the github project page).

Ubic isn't a monitoring framework par se but a LSB compliant extensible Service Manager.

Its written and configurable all in Perl. A simple example would be:

# /etc/ubic/services/test

use Ubic::Service::SimpleDaemon;
return Ubic::Service::SimpleDaemon->new({ bin => "sleep 1000" });

To start above is: ubic start test. To check its running or not: ubic status test. To stop service (suprisingly!) is: ubic stop test.

Ubic keeps an eye on all its services so when test service stops after 1000 seconds then Ubic will automatically restart it again.

Some more links:

