




Not a programmer here, but I want to strip a RSS from this site, not being the admin, but a user (looking for a job)

Usually, for non-RSS sites I use feed43 or Y!Pipes, but with this one I have a problem: the default view is with 5 jobs showing in all the categories. I wanted it to show 50 jobs in one category. So I searched in the page source for the specific variables names (e.g. ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$Content$OfferContent$OfferContent$OfferSearchPanel$RadCBOffersPerPage) to pass the wanted values in the link like so:


It doesn't work, because ... I don't know.

Another idea is to have a modified html page hosted somewhere else to get the wanted jobs openings. But here I'm stuck, lacking the basics for accomplishing that.

Does anyone have an idea how to get that bloody RSS out? Thanks!