I have a button that says "Sort" and when a user normal/short presses the button, I want a menu to appear with the various sort options. Looking around online there doesn't seem to be a straight forward answer to which route is considered best practice. I'm looking to have a menu that looks similar to this: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2770/4439466826_d3ecfdae5c_z.jpg with icons and text.
For an example, click the Layers button in the Google Maps app. It opens a list of options on a single short click. It has a title at the top and icons for each option. (The icons aren't super crucial)
Should I use a Context Menu? If so, how do I do it without a long press. Should it be a Spinner? If so how do I change the appearance to use a button instead of the normal drop down box.