




The USPS provides a C library and a Java wrapper for generating their new Intelligent Mail barcodes. Has anyone found a Perl wrapper? I've used SWIG once before but wanted to see if it's already been done before I went to the trouble. My searching so far has only led to those spam sites that pretend to have whatever your search terms are.

+3  A: 

This was recently asked at PerlMonks http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=859562. They couldn't find it so unless someone's just done it, it's pretty safe to say -- No.

That thread does have a link to a [pure-Perl implementation](http://www.w0ep.us/IMBar.pl), although it's not structured as a reusable module. It might be a starting point, though.
+1  A: 

This might be something that you just hook up to Perl with Inline::Java or Inline::C using the code the USPS provides.

brian d foy
Oh please, no Inline::C. It's pain down the road and makes distribution via CPAN almost impossible.