I have made a mergesort that is being juxtaposed with two already created selection and insertion sorts which both count the comparisons so that when executed the program illustrates which methods are faster.
- I can't figure out how to get a count implemented into my mergeset
- I really don't know if it's even working correctly or if I'm just displaying a previously already sorted array, that was sorted by selection or insertion above it. I think this because I wasn't able to call the method how the selection and insertion were. (You'll see below)
I'll post full code so far so you can see selection and insertion, how they were used.
public class ArraySort {
private long[] a; // ref to array a
private int nElems; // number of data items
public ArraySort(int max) // constructor
a = new long[max]; // create the array
nElems = 0; // no items yet
public void Clone(ArraySort c) // c is another array
c.nElems = this.nElems; // Copy nElems
System.arraycopy(this.a, 0, c.a, 0, this.nElems); // Copy elements
public void insert(long value) // put element into array
a[nElems++] = value; // insert value
public String toString() // displays array contents
String res="";
for(int j=0; j<nElems; j++) // for each element,
res = res + a[j] + " "; // append it to res
return res;
private int insertOrder(int n, long temp) { // insert temp into a[0..(n-1)]
// and keep a[0..n] sorted.
int count = 0;
while (n>0) {
count++; // count next comparison
if (a[n-1] > temp) { // until one is smaller,
a[n] = a[n-1]; // shift item to right
--n; // go left one position
} else break;
a[n] = temp; // insert marked item
return count;
public int insertionSort() {
int count = 0;
for (int n=1; n<nElems; n++)
count += insertOrder(n, a[n]); // insert a[n] into a[0..(n-1)]
return count;
} // end insertionSort()
private void swap(int one, int two) {
long temp = a[one];
a[one] = a[two];
a[two] = temp;
public int selectionSort() {
int out, in, max, count=0;
for(out=nElems-1; out > 0; out--) { // outer loop
max = out; // max is maximum item's index
for(in=0; in<out; in++) { // inner loop
if(a[in] > a[max] ) // if max is smaller,
max = in; // we have a new max
count++; // count one comparison
swap(out, max); // swap them
} // end for(out)
return count;
} // end selectionSort()
public void mergeSort() {
long[] ws = new long[nElems];
recMergeSort(ws, 0, nElems-1);
public void recMergeSort(long[] ws, int lower, int upper) {
if (lower == upper)
else {
int mid = (lower + upper) / 2; //find midpoint
recMergeSort(ws, lower, mid); //sort lower
recMergeSort(ws, mid+1, upper); //sort upper
merge(ws, lower, mid+1, upper); //merge
public void merge(long[] ws, int lowPtr, int highPtr, int upper) {
int j = 0;
int lower = lowPtr;
int mid = highPtr-1;
int n = upper-lower+1; //# of items
while(lowPtr <= mid && highPtr <= upper)
if( a[lowPtr] < a[highPtr] )
ws[j++] = (int) a[lowPtr++];
ws[j++] = (int) a[highPtr++];
while(lowPtr <= mid)
ws[j++] = (int) a[lowPtr++];
while(highPtr <= upper)
ws[j++] = (int) a[highPtr++];
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
a[lower+j] = ws[j];
public void display() {
for(int j=0; j<nElems; j++) {
System.out.print(a[j] + " "); }
import java.util.*;
public class SortComparison {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int count, maxSize = 100; // array size
ArraySort arr, carr; // reference to array
arr = new ArraySort(maxSize); // create the arrays
carr = new ArraySort(maxSize);
// insert some random numbers
Random generator = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
System.out.println("Before sort: " + arr); // display items
count = carr.insertionSort(); // insertion-sort a clone of arr
System.out.println("\nInsert sort: \n" + carr + " ### Comparisons: " + count);
count = carr.selectionSort(); // selection-sort a clone of arr
System.out.println("\nSelect sort: \n" + carr + " ### Comparisons: " + count);
System.out.println("\nMerge sort: ");
You can see how things should be called, with the count returning, by selection and insertion..