I'm not directly familiar with an 'easy' way of handling this (i.e. I am note aware whether there is a built in library which can handle this).
But one way of doing this, is to read up on the JLS specification on escape sequences and write a single-pass parser, which can find and evaluate each escape sequences. (Check the JLS here).
Now I know for a fact, that there are a few oddities which you quickly will forget to handle, for example octal escapes are tricky, because it allows either 1,2 or 3 digits, and in each case there are different allowed values for when it's an escape, and when it's just the integer.
Take the example string "\431" this is the ocal escape '\43' concatenated with the character '1', because the first digit of the octal escape is 4, and thus cannot be a full three digit octal value as it only allows [0-3] as the first digit in that case.
Just about a year ago I was co-writing a Java compiler for a subset of the 1.3 specification, which does have escape sequences, and below here I have included our code for handling escapes - you should actually be able to take this code literally as it is and include in a Utility class (maybe throw in a credit if you feel charitable):
private String processCharEscapes(String strVal) {
// Loop helpers
char[] chrArr = strVal.toCharArray();
StringBuilder strOut = new StringBuilder(strVal.length());
String strEsc = ""; // Escape sequence, string buffer
Character chrBuf = null; // Dangling character buffer
// Control flags
boolean inEscape = false; // In escape?
boolean cbOctal3 = true; // Can be octal 3-digit
// Parse characters
for(char c : chrArr) {
if (!inEscape) {
// Listen for start of escape sequence
if (c == '\\') {
inEscape = true; // Enter escape
strEsc = ""; // Reset escape buffer
chrBuf = null; // Reset dangling character buffer
cbOctal3 = true; // Reset cbOctal3 flag
} else {
strOut.append(c); // Save to output
} else {
// Determine escape termination
if (strEsc.length() == 0) { // First character
if (c >= 48 && c <= 55) { // c is a digit [0-7]
if (c > 51) { // c is a digit [4-7]
cbOctal3 = false;
strEsc += c; // Save to buffer
} else { // c is a character
// Single-character escapes (will terminate escape loop)
if (c == 'n') {
inEscape = false;
} else if(c == 't') {
inEscape = false;
} else if(c == 'b') {
inEscape = false;
} else if(c == 'r') {
inEscape = false;
} else if(c == 'f') {
inEscape = false;
} else if(c == '\\') {
inEscape = false;
} else if(c == '\'') {
inEscape = false;
} else if(c == '"') {
inEscape = false;
} else {
// Saw illegal character, after escape character '\'
System.err.println(ErrorType.SYNTAX_ERROR, "Illegal character escape sequence, unrecognised escape: \\" + c);
} else if(strEsc.length() == 1) { // Second character (possibly)
if (c >= 48 && c <= 55) { // c is a digit [0-7]
strEsc += c; // Save to buffer
if (!cbOctal3) { // Terminate since !cbOctal3
inEscape = false;
} else {
inEscape = false; // Terminate since c is not a digit
chrBuf = c; // Save dangling character
} else if(strEsc.length() == 2) { // Third character (possibly)
if (cbOctal3 && c >= 48 && c <= 55) {
strEsc += c; // Save to buffer
} else {
chrBuf = c; // Save dangling character
inEscape = false; // Will always terminate after third character, no matter what
// Did escape sequence terminate, at character c?
if (!inEscape && strEsc.length() > 0) {
// strEsc is legal 1-3 digit octal char code, convert and add
strOut.append((char)Integer.parseInt(strEsc, 8));
if (chrBuf != null) { // There was a dangling character
// Check for chained escape sequences (e.g. \10\10)
if (chrBuf == '\\') {
inEscape = true; // Enter escape
strEsc = ""; // Reset escape buffer
chrBuf = null; // Reset dangling character buffer
cbOctal3 = true; // Reset cbOctal3 flag
} else {
// Check for EOL-terminated escape sequence (special case)
if (inEscape) {
// strEsc is legal 1-3 digit octal char code, convert and add
strOut.append((char)Integer.parseInt(strEsc, 8));
if (chrBuf != null) { // There was a dangling character
return strOut.toString();
I hope this helps you.