Is there a way to creating an observable from a sequence in F#?
The required behaviour is that an observer subscribing to the resulting observable receives all the values of the sequence one at a time.
Edit: The question can be framed as: Is there an equivalent to Rx.Observable.FromArray([1,2,3])
as shown here in F#?
Edit 2: Thanks everyone. It took me some time to find the answer, only to find that desco has answered already. For the sake of completeness, here is how it works:
//Using the Reactive Framework.
//References to System.CoreEx.dll and System.Reactive.dll are needed.
open System.Linq
let observable = Observable.ToObservable [1..10]
let odds = observable |> Observable.filter (fun i -> i%2=1)
let disp = odds.Subscribe (fun i -> printfn "%d" i)
disp.Dispose ()